Monday, January 20, 2014

India critters

A cow that nearly knocked me off my feet trying to get to some fruit that Mike was trying to feed it in Goa.

Horrifically huge bats- Hundreds and hundreds in a tree down the road from our guesthouse in Goa. Their bodies were the size of a small cat. Never saw them in flight- thanks goodness- but was worried about one flying into our beach hut.

Tons of monkeys in Hampi. They are mostly well behaved but we saw one steal a jar of sugar off a table at a rooftop café where we had dinner last night.

Laxmi the temple elephant at the Shiva temple in Hampi. Ate bananas from our hands- skin and all.

A huge (dead) millipede that Mike found.


  1. That cow does look hungry! OMG, those bats! YIKES.

  2. Love the bats and millipede! Elephant and cow look old and wise.

  3. Make Mackinac bats look like gnats! Yikes.

  4. How about a shot of Mike climbing the tree w/ the bats for a closer look..

  5. No way were we getting closer. The bats were only semi sleeping in the trees. You could hear them squeaking and every once in a while one would spread their wings. I bet the wing span was at least 2 feet. Ick!!!

  6. Oh, he'll no to the millepede!!
